Employment Support
At Creating Abilities, we intend to provide a convenient entry point for resources on equal employment opportunity and disability, as well as links to resources from other worldwide employment organizations and agencies, including websites for persons with disabilities looking for work, disability job vacancies, and jobs working from home.
The Disability Discrimination Act makes it unlawful to discriminate against people with disabilities in employment, including recruitment, terms and conditions of employment, and dismissal or termination.
In many developed countries around the world a debate has moved beyond a concern about the cost of maintaining dependent people with a disability to the struggle to find effective ways of ensuring people with a disability can participate in and contribute to society in all aspects of life.
Our Disability Employment Services Can Provide:
- Ongoing support in a job if required.
- Help to prepare for work, including training in specific job skills.
- Purchase of vocational training and other employment-related assistance.
- Access to help with workplace modifications, support services, and interpreting in the workplace.
- Support when initially placed into a job, including on the job training and coworker and employer support.
- Job search support, such as resume development, training in interview skills, and help in looking for suitable jobs.

Creating Abilities is a global organization established with a mission to uplift and support the specially-abled citizens around the world by providing them with an environment and resources to grow and be self sustainable.