Government – Legislation/ Policy
Creating Abilities advocates for the need to move away from traditionally held views of charity and welfare to those of productivity and enabling of disabled people.
We as a non-profit organization, work as an interface between the Government, Industry, International Agencies, and the Voluntary Sector towards empowerment of persons with disabilities.
We partner with disabled activists and experts across the country in order to achieve the goal of independence, integration, and civil rights for all people with disabilities. To achieve this goal, we use a “pitchfork” strategy of advocacy, including:
- Legislative: Working with our representatives to create or enforce laws that will improve the lives of people with disabilities.
- Legal: Employing the legal process, when the rights of people with disabilities have been violated.
- Media: Educating the public about disability rights through print, electronic, and social media, and direct outreach.
- Administrative: Training leaders in the disability rights movement to serve in leadership roles in the government, businesses, and organizations to help influence those establishments and ensure that accessibility and disability rights are engrained in entities throughout our community.

Creating Abilities is a global organization established with a mission to uplift and support the specially-abled citizens around the world by providing them with an environment and resources to grow and be self sustainable.